London Police Services
Security False Alarm Policy

Verified Alarm Response Program

With the exception of panic, holdup or duress alarms, the London Police Service only responds to verified property-related alarms received by alarm companies or monitoring services.

This means that an alarm must be verified in one of the following manners:

> Audio sensors – verified by the alarm company or monitoring service following confirmation of criminal activity by the sounds detected within the premise;

> Video system – verified by the alarm company or monitoring service following confirmation of criminal activity through visual images;

> Confirmation made by an owner, key holder, an alternate response agency, or a witness on scene who can verify the existence of a suspected criminal act; or

> Multiple activation points – the alarm company or monitoring system determines the manner or sequence of activation indicates suspected criminal activity is, or has, taken place.

This program came into effect January 2018, to reduce the resources devoted to false property-related alarms in the city. The Canadian Security Association (CANASA) and registered alarm monitoring/installation companies were notified in December 2017 and advised to inform clients about the new program.

If a panic, holdup or duress alarm is received, officers will be immediately dispatched. Verification for these types of alarms is not required.